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Record Attendance for Parent Education

Teachers present at Across the Levels, Passage to Responsibility
Lucy Bennett

We were delighted to host Arbor’s Across the Levels Parent Education event on Thursday. Nearly 50 parents and staff attended to learn more about the Passage to Responsibility. This annual event is a long tradition here and much loved by both parents and staff.

Each year, a different topic is chosen and members of the AMI team present a thread that begins in Toddler and ends with our Adolescent Program. This year's topic began with individual development: how responsibility grows from the youngest of our students learning how to dress themselves and prepare food to nourish themselves and their classmates to the social responsibilities of the elementary and middle school students to both their individual communities and the global community. The passion our team has for their vocation comes across clearly and we hope parents walked away with a clearer understanding of how capable their children are. 

Arbor's Parent Education offerings are quite robust this year. We encourage all families to attend as many as you are able. Many discussion topics have come directly from community feedback; we appreciate serving our community's specific needs.

Mark your calendars for December 5th at 6:30pm when we will be hosting our Alumni Night. Hear from graduates of a variety of ages: current high school and college students, and perhaps even some beyond that! It is another cherished tradition at Arbor, and we hope you will join us. As the event approaches, we will offer childcare for this event on a limited basis. Be on the lookout for a sign up form later in November.