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Parent Involvement

Arbor Montessori School has an extremely talented and involved parent body. Parent volunteer activities are coordinated through the Parent Involvement Committee, also known as PICs.

The school depends on the support of these parent volunteers throughout the year. As an Arbor parent, when you donate your time and talents to assist the school, you make a valuable contribution to the children and also get the opportunity to connect with other parents. Along with having a great deal of fun, volunteers help to build a community spirit and give a tremendous boost to our faculty and staff.

Volunteer Opportunities

Parents, guardians, grandparents, and alumni can volunteer during the year in a variety of ways:

  • Sign up for classroom helper groups, who work on a variety of small projects throughout the year.
  • Lend a hand to staff and students for going outs, special events, plays, and other class projects.
  • Help with parent education, including planning programs, volunteering, and participating at events.
  • Work as a substitute in the classroom.
  • Assist with fundraising projects.
  • Participate in beautification projects around the school.
  • Introduce elements of your cultural heritage to your child's class (contact the teacher to discuss your ideas).
  • Serve as a class PIC (Parent Involvement Coordinator) to provide direct support to the classroom teacher.
  • Volunteer as a room captain for the Annual Fund campaign.

As you can see, there is ample opportunity to become involved. Please volunteer when and how you can. For more information, contact the PIC chairs, Class PICs (listed in the Connections Family Directory), or your teacher.